Our Founder - Susan Morin (ex officio)


Before it was called the Children's Healthy Pantry, a mentor, Susan Morin, noticed her mentee wasn't able to concentrate and simply was unable to learn. The culprit, hunger. It was then Morin decided to take it upon herself and founded the Yummy Stuff Club. Through research she found that many of the students in this and other Title 1 schools lacked proper nutrition and access to healthy foods at school and at home. Morin decided to request a donation of 400 pieces of fresh fruit from a local produce supplier who agreed to do this every week. From there the program began grew and grew. Morin was on a mission, a personal mission to help kids learn and practice the benefits of healthy eating. Once the Yummy stuff Club became an established program with many entities, Morin decided to take another step by soliciting donations on behalf of the schools from national corporations. With support from the University of Southern Florida/New College, Morin built a Pizza Garden and still maintains it with college students and middle school aged volunteers. Morin raised money for the garden, with a brick pathway. Using donated bricks, donors can have their name or company engraved on a sponsored brick.

Helping combat childhood obesity and all its related ailments such as diabetes and heart disease, is something Morin also has a passion for. To accompany her already heavy load, she utilized Yummy Stuff to spread a message of "Eat Smart to Be Smart" to children and their families.

Another Yummy Stuff project, Healthy Pantry, came about when Morin learned that any student who arrived late to school (for any reason) would be denied breakfast from the cafeteria. Knowing that this meant a student might not have eaten for over 18 hours, she created the Healthy Pantry which stocks healthy food for such emergencies.

The Yummy Stuff Club gained momentum as she established more Healthy Pantries around The SRQ. While the Yummy Stuff Club and its programs are still a very important part of her mission, one program took precedence over all the others. The one that has fed our children when they had nothing else. Thus the rebirth of this organization included a change and it was simply in the name - The Children's Healthy Pantry.

Contact Us!

Children's Healthy Pantry
1809 Loma Linda Street
Sarasota, Fl 34239

Email: info@eatsmarttobesmart.com

Phone Number:

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